In a perfect world, there would be a perfect candidate for every open position. The hiring process would run smoothly, the negotiations will be clear, and candidates will be able to start working for your company right away. But in real life that’s not always the case. Things don’t always work out the way we want them to and talents and companies must go their separate ways. 

When a person applies for one of your open positions on nPloy, you have two options: you can either match them in order to move forward to the next stage, or unmatch the profile. And that’s okay. Sometimes motivation isn’t enough to hire someone. You can easily change the status of the talent in nPloy’s Jobs Pipeline and move on. But don’t forget to give them constructive and insightful/helpful feedback.

Once you unmatch a profile, a pop up will appear, asking you to select the reason why. It only takes a few clicks for you, but it would make a great difference for the candidate.

Why feedback is good for both candidates and employers

Rejecting a candidate might seem like the final chapter in the hiring process, but offering constructive feedback post-rejection can transform it into a valuable opportunity for both sides!

Ends their worrying

We’ve all been there - waiting anxiously to hear back from a job application. Will they hire me, will they hire me not? 🌼 Providing feedback after rejecting a candidate ends the worrying and allows them to move forward.

Gives candidates room for improvement

By explaining why their CV didn’t make the cut, you’re giving candidates the clarity they need to improve and aim higher in their next application.

Makes you stand out as an employer

And as an employer, this makes you stand out - it demonstres fairness, transparency, and a genuine care for each individual, whether they join the company or not. This fosters a positive relationship that extends beyond the immediate application, making candidates more likely to remember your company fondly and consider applying in the future. It’s a small step that leaves a lasting impression and boosts your company’s reputation as a thoughtful, people-first employer.

Reasons for rejecting a candidate on nPloy

As mentioned, we’re giving you a list of preselected reasons to choose from:

Lacking skill(s) or qualification(s)

You can select this one and provide more information in the field “Other” in order for the candidate to have a better understanding of what to work on.


It indeed happens to the best of us. Whatever the case is, just let the person know and inspire them to keep on looking for the best job match. 

We filled this position

Kudos to you for finding the perfect match! Still, letting other candidates know is the right thing to do.

Profile / CV is not completed

Sometimes candidates are in a hurry - they’ve seen your job post and clicked on it so quickly that they forgot to complete their profile. You can remind them to do so using this option.

I don’t want to specify


Of course, if you’re in the mood for sharing, you can always write a personalised reason why. 

We can’t convince you that parting with candidates is an easy task. But we do believe giving them a reason why is the best way going forward, and shows that your company truly cares for people. We made giving feedback on nPloy easy because at some point we’ve all been on the other side and know how it feels when a company neglects a candidate. So be one of the good guys, it only takes a few clicks.