Leaving a job doesn’t mean leaving behind the relationships you've built. In fact, maintaining these connections can be pivotal to your career growth. Whether you're a young professional stepping into a new role or a seasoned talent eyeing your next big opportunity, nurturing professional relationships can unlock doors you never knew existed.

But how do you keep those bonds strong after you’ve handed in your resignation? Keep on reading to learn the secrets to sustaining professional connections that can boost your career, open new opportunities, and help you stay ahead in the competitive job market.

Why professional relations matter

In today's dynamic job market, the value of professional relationships is more significant than ever. According to our own survey, “Expectations of candidates and employers”, 46% of talents rely on recommendations from friends and acquaintances before applying for a job. 

Maintaining these connections not only helps in your current role but can also pave the way for future opportunities. Whether it’s for gaining industry insights, getting a referral, or simply expanding your professional circle, these relationships are your lifeline in the professional world.

Challenges employees face after quitting their job

Let’s take a look at the three most common ones:

The hustle of starting a new job or the excitement of a career change often overshadows the importance of staying in touch.

Many professionals struggle with finding the right balance between staying connected and not coming off as someone who only reaches out when they need something.

It may be because they haven't nurtured those relationships consistently.

Tips on staying connected

So, how do you overcome these challenges and maintain professional relationships effectively?

Regular check-ins, whether through a quick message or a coffee meet-up, can go a long way in maintaining your professional relationships.

Don’t reach out only when you need something. Share insights, opportunities, or just a friendly note to show that you’re genuinely interested in the relationship.

There are so many options! Social networks are perfect for staying in touch with your professional network. A simple “like” or comment on a post can keep you on someone’s radar.

Authenticity is key. Whether you're congratulating someone on a new role or offering help, make sure your interactions are sincere.

Maintaining professional relationships after leaving a job might seem challenging, but it’s an investment worth making. These connections can provide career opportunities, industry insights, and personal growth that can propel you forward in your professional journey.

For young professionals and seasoned employees alike, staying connected is crucial. Download the free nPloy app and start exploring job listings!