You’ve probably seen it listed as a required skill in job ads, or you’ve put it in your CV. Being a good communicator is a prerequisite for career success. Whether you’re an employee looking for a way to grow or land the best job interview ever, an HR specialist on a mission to find the perfect matches, or an employer dedicated to fostering a more cohesive and productive workplace environment, mastering the art of communication will certainly make a difference. But where to start? Keep on reading if you want to find out:

Types of communication

Communication means transmission of information. Every communication involves а sender, a message and a recipient. Finding the right means to convey relevant content is a trait of the good communicator. There are different types of communication depending on the classification, but the main ones remain:

Verbal - any type of spoken communication, both face-to-face or via telephone, radio or television and other media.
Being a good speaker means you are eloquent, you know how to plan your speech and you quickly orient and adapt to the conditions of communication. it ‘s worth mentioning that a good communicator knows feedback from the audience and involving others in a conversation is what makes communication dynamic.

Nonverbal - there are so many ways to communicate with others, often even subconsciously. Our body language, the gestures we make, the posture we take, the amount of eye contact, the way we dress, where we stand… they all matter. Don’t ever underestimate the role nonverbal communication plays. Some authors say it carries the true nature of the message as it’s hard to control your emotions.

Written -  it includes books, newspapers, letters, e-mails, social media… The list can go on and on. Follow grammar rules when writing and adapt your message to the medium. Should the text be formal or not? Are there any requirements for the length of the text? Written communication gives us more time to refine our ideas, give structure to the text and find the right words to express what we mean. If you ever struggle with constructing the perfect argument, the 7 Cs can be very useful. Your message should be clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete, and courteous.

Practical tips for improving your communication skills

Reading books to improve your communication skills is great (you can start with Dale Carnegie or Howard Gardner), but there are some other things you can incorporate in your daily life in order to improve.

Be an active listener
This makes the other participants in the conversation feel heard and valued. It’s a simple, yet powerful practice that fosters trust and understanding, laying the groundwork for fruitful collaborations. 

Show empathy  To acknowledge and understand the perspectives of others is crucial for building strong interpersonal connections. An environment where empathy thrives is more harmonious and productive. 

Speak clearly
Start by always saying your name loud & clear - it's a protection of your identity. Learn how to tell a story - in front of friends and strangers. This will be of great help, as the human brain is programmed to remember stories. Choose your words wisely in order to be aligned with the audience, and watch out for their feedback, whether it's spoken or hidden in their manners and expressions.

Pay attention
Look for the little tell-tales of others. When it comes to you, make sure you adopt a confident posture and maintain appropriate eye contact - it should feel natural and comfortable for you and the person you are speaking with. 

To be fair, improving your communication skills is an ongoing process that demands dedication, practising, self-awareness and observation. The silver lining? Each day you will be a step closer to becoming an invaluable asset to every company. Knowing how to properly convey a message, to persuade others with your words, and to be able to gather feedback from others, can have a great positive impact on your career journey and professional and personal development. Communication is so much more than the words we speak - it’s about the connections you build and the understanding you foster. And that’s what lies at the heart of all great teams.