Are you ready for your next job? We bet it’s exciting! But before you jump in, let’s talk about something important that often gets overlooked: company culture. After all, nobody wants to land in a job where the office vibe makes your Mondays darker

In this article, we’ll guide you through how to spot those tricky red flags in company culture on an early stage of the recruitment process - the interview process. By the end, you’ll have the tools to avoid potential pitfalls and find a job where you can truly thrive. Let’s dive in!

Why Company Culture Matters

Company culture is the heartbeat of any organisation. It’s the set of shared values, beliefs, and practices that define what it’s like to work there. 

In nPloy’s first survey on the gap between candidates’ and employers’ expectations, half of the talents said that company culture is important when it comes to choosing a place to work. 91% of the respondents confirm the team is very important or the most important factor they consider when applying for a job.

But what exactly should you be looking for? Company culture can influence everything from how decisions are made to how people interact with each other daily. And if that culture isn’t a good fit, it can lead to some serious job dissatisfaction.

How to Spot the Red Flags

Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here are some practical tips to help you identify those red flags during the interview process:

Are the interviewers respectful and engaged? A disorganised interview process can be a red flag for how the company operates overall.

Ask about turnover rates, management style, and how the company supports employee well-being.

Use the available online resources to learn more about the company from current and former employees

If possible, try to speak with someone who works there to get an insider’s perspective.

Rely on your intuition - if something doesn’t feel right, it’s worth taking a step back and reevaluating.

And here’s a pro tip: nPloy is an awesome app that can help you avoid these headaches. It allows you to explore companies that align with your values and offers transparent insights into their culture. Think of it as a matchmaker for your career, helping you find the perfect fit.

Find a Job You’ll Love

You deserve to work in a place where you feel valued and excited to contribute. By keeping an eye out for red flags and using tools like nPloy, you can avoid toxic workplaces and find a company culture that suits you perfectly.

Ready to take control of your job search? Download the nPloy app today and start exploring job listings that match your values. Your dream job is out there - go get it!