Going back to work after the holidays can sometimes feel weird - you were just spending time with loved ones, drinking, dancing and having fun and now you’re thrust back onto your desk and your boss wants to know whether you’ve reached your weekly KPIs. Yet, you’re still in holiday mode and it’ll take a while for you to get back into the grind. Here’s some tips on how you can make that transition smoother and more fun!

1. Stock your desk with sweets and holiday treats

Not ready to let the holiday cheer go away yet? That’s fine! You most probably have some food left from the holidays - bring it and share with coworkers! A little sugar rush after lunch can lighten the mood.

2. Laugh it out loud

Your funny uncle couldn’t stop talking at the dinner table, right? Share some funny stories from your time spent with family and friends and see who has the most ridiculous story!

3. Plan a mini escape

Schedule a few short breaks around the office or outside throughout the day to have a breather to look forward to!

4. Make a post-holiday playlist

Add your favorite jams to a playlist and play them to your coworkers. Songs that remind you of summer or your next holiday!

5. Don’t go back at all

Nah, I’m just playing with you - you HAVE to go back. A paycheck is a paycheck. Also, you know the office coffee hits different!