Is a world where everyone is given an equal chance when looking for a job, regardless of their gender, age, sexual orientation and different opportunities an utopia? Because organisations such as Work it OUT, GLAS, Bilitis, Jamba and Stray Sheep are fighting for just such a reality. And we at nPloy stand firmly behind them.

The current situation in Bulgaria and Europe

A 2023 study by nPloy shows that 73% of employees in Bulgaria have experienced discrimination during the recruitment process. 47% of HR specialists confirm that, with the most common reasons being age, gender, and gender identity. According to more than half of the surveyed talents (55%), the work environment in Bulgaria is not suitable for people with disabilities. 51% of HR specialists and 60% of employees state that their companies do not employ people with physical or intellectual disabilities.

In a 2023 survey on the needs of the LGBTQ community in Bulgaria, as many as 39.3% of LGBTI people reported having difficulties finding a job in the past three years. The same survey also reveals that 51% of transgender people have experienced at least one month without any income within the past three years.

According to data from the 2023 Eurobarometer, more than half of European Union citizens report that there is discrimination in their country based on Roma ethnicity (65%), skin colour (61%), ethnic origin (60%), gender identity (transgender - 57%), or sexual orientation (54%).

But how can we combat this statistic? By working together.

Which organisations support the cause for diversity and equality in the workplace

GLAS and Bilitis | Empowerment of LGBTI+ people in the workplace  

Together, GLAS and Bilitis foundations are launching their initiatives to support job applications for lesbian, transgender, and non-binary individuals. As part of the economic empowerment project for the LGBTI+ community, they offer:

If you need their support, you can simply fill out this application form.

Work It OUT | Transformation towards inclusion in the workplace

Work It OUT is at the forefront of transforming the work environment in Bulgaria. As part of the European Pride Business Network (EPBN), WIO is implementing advanced programs for the development of “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)” in the workplace.

The WIO network offers a comprehensive range of services, including in-depth research, personalised consulting, and strategic coaching designed to enhance employee engagement and foster a culture of inclusion. With Work It OUT, companies in Bulgaria not only navigate the complexities of creating DEIB but thrive by setting new standards for what it means to maintain a truly inclusive work environment.

Jamba | Outside the box of stereotypes

The JAMBA team accurately points out that people with diverse abilities are exceptional. Unfortunately, the biggest challenges to their integration are equal access to quality education, tailored vocational training, and inclusion in the labour market. JAMBA's mission is to create conditions for the acquisition of additional skills and competencies in various professional fields through training and internships. The organisation also assists them in their integration into the labour market and their career advancement.

In 2021, the first-of-its-kind JAMBA Opportunity Hub opened its doors—a place where inclusion and accessibility exist, regardless of whether you are a person with a “disability,” have a disability certificate, do not have a certificate, or are simply someone who wants to do good.

Including people with diverse abilities in the labour market contributes to improving the economic status of the population and increasing the number of economically active Bulgarians. Every action in this direction brings us closer to the idea of a unified society that has set aside prejudices and recognizes the potential in everyone.

Stray Sheep | Bulgarian sign language – within arm’s reach

People at Stray Sheep believe that everyone deserves to be heard and understood. They are dedicated to building a bridge between deaf and hearing people in Bulgaria by promoting sign language and inspiring more Bulgarians to show empathy and seek goodness.

In addition to sign language courses, Stray Sheep helps companies become more accessible by organising training, providing technology, and offering sign language interpretation.

How nPloy contributes to diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Since the beginning, nPloy has firmly supported the idea that when it comes to job searching, only skills matter. This is one of the reasons the platform prioritises anonymous profiles for candidates - during the initial stage of selection, personal data such as name, photo, gender, age, and years of experience remain hidden. Instead, recruiters see a CV that highlights their experience, education, and skills.

Benefits of anonymity in recruitment

Removes bias

Factors such as race, gender, and age can influence the decision to hire a candidate, even if the recruiter is trying to be objective. Removing this information helps ensure that candidates are evaluated based on their skills, experience, and knowledge.

A larger talent pool and equal access to job opportunities

Anonymity in recruitment contributes to a larger pool of candidates. When recruiters focus solely on skills and qualifications, they are not limited to a specific demographic group. This means that talents who may have been overlooked due to unconscious bias in the past now have an equal opportunity when applying for a position.

Saves employers time and money

In traditional hiring, recruiters spend hours reviewing applications and resumes to find the most suitable candidate. In anonymous recruitment, they can quickly assess candidates based on their experience and qualifications. This reduces the time and costs associated with hiring, making the process more efficient and cost-effective.

Improves employer branding

By adopting anonymous recruitment, companies demonstrate their commitment to creating a fair and inclusive workplace. This can attract talents who are specifically looking for such employers.

Career for all - mission possible

Efforts for diversity and inclusion in the workplace are not just about meeting quotas. They reflect who we truly are and how little it takes to be humane.

Platforms like nPloy and organisations such as Work It OUT, GLAS, Bilitis, Jamba, and Stray Sheep are examples of how change is possible through concrete actions. With joint efforts, the utopia of equal treatment in the workplace can become a reality.

In conclusion

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace are not only a matter of social justice but also about creating a better, more productive, and innovative work environment. Platforms like nPloy and organisations such as Work It OUT, GLAS, Bilitis, Jamba, and Stray Sheep exemplify how change can be achieved through concrete actions aimed at providing equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, or physical abilities. With joint efforts, the utopia of equal treatment in the workplace can become a reality.