Hey there, HR specialists! It’s time to take one last walk through nPloy’s HR panel. We’ve started with the basics - registration and job posting, went through the jobs pipeline, and now it’s time to dive into the Talent Pool. Shall we?

Talent Pool - find the best candidates on nPloy

Let’s dive and explore what the Talent Pool - nPloy’s ever-growing database - has to offer. 

When you first open it, you will see all the talents in the location you’ve chosen for your company. You can easily change it - use the filters at the top of the page to narrow your search and find the most appropriate talents. These profiles are all anonymous - you will only see their professional CV - a person’s experience and qualifications. If you like a candidate based on that data, you can send them a Match request - it only takes two clicks and the talent goes straight to your pipeline. The candidate’s data such as name and contact info remains hidden until they decide to accept your request.

💡 Be proactive and dive in the deep! Filter the talents, sort them by their experience or expected salary, and send match requests! Candidates love it when companies show interest first + it makes you stand out as a cool employer. What else can make you stand out? Our Employer Branding and Recruitment Marketing options. Reach out to learn more!

ATS Integrations - seamlessly connect your ATS with nPloy

Industry data shows applications drop by a whopping 45-70% when candidates are required to go through a career website application flow. 😱 You can now connect your nPloy company profile with your ATS and keep those talents interested. Simply go to the section in the panel, select your ATS from the list, and connect & import your jobs with a single click. Happy hiring!

Congratulations, you now know everything about the nPloy’s HR panel. Have an idea or noticed a problem? Just give us a call or send us a quick message - our team is always there when you need us.


What is the Talent Pool on nPloy?

The Talent Pool is nPloy’s evergrowing candidate database. You can browse through anonymous profiles, seeing only candidates' professional experience and qualifications, and send Match requests if you're interested.

How do I find the right candidates in nPloy's Talent Pool?

You can use filters to narrow down candidates based on criteria like location, experience, or salary expectations. Once you find a suitable profile, send a Match request to invite them to apply for an open position.

When does a candidate's personal information become visible?

A candidate’s personal information, such as name, age, gender, photo and contact details, is only revealed once they accept your Match request.

Can nPloy integrate with my Applicant Tracking System (ATS)?

Yes, nPloy offers seamless ATS integration. You can connect your ATS to your nPloy company profile and import jobs with a single click, making it easier to keep candidates engaged.

How can I enhance my company’s visibility on nPloy?

You can leverage nPloy’s Employer Branding and Recruitment Marketing options to stand out to candidates.