Career change is getting more and more common. And rightfully so! Gone are the days when you remain stuck in a job you don’t like only to fit in some society norm. Nowadays we have the freedom to chase our true passions and look for jobs that align with our strengths and passions.

But sometimes career change can feel especially daunting, no matter if you’re а millennial or Gen Z. With rapidly evolving job markets and shifting personal priorities, a lot of people are finding themselves at a crossroads. Whatever the case, you should always remember that you’ve got the power to master your career change. Keep on reading to uncover tips on making the switch as smooth as possible.

Understanding the modern career landscape

A Gallup report (How Millennials Want to Work and Live) shows that 21% of millennials have changed jobs within a year. Turns out that’s three times the rate of other generations. However, the trend for Gen Z is similar, which shows people are driven by a desire for meaningful work and better work-life balance.

What are the most common reasons for a career change

Money is important. Actually, for more than 95% of candidates it’s the most important factor when it comes to looking for a new job. If your salary is not enough to cover your basic needs or it’s stopping you from working towards your goals, maybe it’s time to look for a new employer - we know there are companies that pay more for your skills.

It’s more and more common for people to look for a job that truly reflects their values and passions.

The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the way we think about work, making remote jobs and flexible hours more desirable.

With technology evolving faster than ever, old jobs become obsolete, and new ones emerge.

If you find yourself bored at work, your motivation is on vacation and even the simplest of tasks feel overwhelming, then this is simply not the job for you. This situation poses an important question - is it the job that makes you unhappy or the whole field of work?

The list can go on and on. Being in a toxic workplace, feeling like there’s no one to rely on to guide you and give you feedback, dreading the thought of opening your laptop are all reasons to not only change jobs, but sometimes even change careers.

Most common struggles when changing careers

You may have the passion but not the exact experience wanted. Mismatched skills can also deter potential employers.

Time taken to switch can strain finances. More often than not, when wanting to switch your professional field, you need to pay for a course or additional certification.

Switching careers often means leaving behind an established network of professional contacts. Building a new network takes time and effort.

5 career change tips 

  1. Self-assessment

Understand your strengths, and weaknesses, and think about what you really want from your career.

  1. Upskill 

Focus on the skills that will make you most marketable in your new field.

  1. Leverage your network

Reach out to friends, family, and professionals in your desired field for insights and opportunities.

  1. Tailor your resume 

Highlight transferable skills and experiences relevant to your new career.

  1. Don't give up

Rejection is part of the process. Learn from it and keep pushing forward.

How nPloy can ease your career change 

nPloy uses an AI powered algorithm to match you with jobs that fit your new career path, ensuring better alignment. Simply enter your new and updated skill set and see only jobs that are a perfect match.

Play with the filters and check what companies are offering for your experience and skills.

The clubs in nPloy are your place to ask questions and share your struggles - you’re anonymous, so no one will judge you. You can start a discussion with like-minded individuals, find useful resources in the Weekly insights section or check the upcoming events.

Yes, changing careers might seem like an uphill battle, but with the right tools and mindset, you can make the transition successfully. We’re here to help, offering tailored resources and support every step of the way.