Whether you like it or not, job interviews are an integral part of the process. It’s essential for both candidates and employers to meet and discuss in order to find out if they’re the right fit for one another. And since interviews are so common, why are they still nerverecking? Let’s learn more about how interviews can affect a potential candidate, and more importantly, talk about tips and tricks for mastering the process.

Interviews are often associated with battling nerves, struggles in crafting the perfect elevator pitch and an overall sense of dread. Sweating palms, racing heartbeats and fumbling over answers are all a part of the picture. But there’s no place for worry - if you’re well prepared, job interviews will feel like a breeze. 

Without further ado, let’s jump in and give you 5 tips for mastering job interviews.

1. Do your research

Try to learn as much as possible about the company and the role you’re applying for. You can research the industry trends to see how the company fits into the bigger picture. Showing up prepared shows that you are genuinely interested.

2. Practise common interview questions

You’ve probably already heard the most common interview questions recruiters seem to love. Well, to be fair, your answers can show a lot about your experience, problem-solving skills, and fit for the company culture. 

3. Highlight specific examples

 Try structuring your responses for behavioural questions in order to give clear and concise answers - this is also known as the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result). 

When possible, quantify your achievements - e.g., "Increased sales by ¼.." or "Managed a team of 5 people.", as this provides concrete evidence of your capabilities.

4. Ask questions

Trust us, recruiters appreciate it when you ask them questions about the role, team, company culture, and future opportunities. This shows your enthusiasm and interest in the position.

Questions about salary and benefits are another common struggle and may be frustrating. Lucky for you, on nPloy you always know the salary before applying, plus you get a list of all the benefits a company has to offer.

5. Stay positive

Your body language can complement your verbal responses and make a positive impression. Often underestimated, it can tip the scales in your favour.

Establish and maintain appropriate eye contact with your interviewer - this demonstrates confidence and engagement. Just avoid staring - it can be intimidating and creep the interviewer out.

A firm but not overpowering handshake sets a professional tone right from the start.

Sit up straight with your shoulders back in order to convey confidence and attentiveness.

Keep your hands relaxed and use open gestures to emphasise your points. Avoid crossing your arms, which can seem defensive, and fidgeting, which can be distracting.

A genuine smile can help build rapport and convey friendliness and enthusiasm. Be careful not to overdo it, as insincerity can be easily detected.

Once you break it down and take it as it is - a conversation - interviews don’t seem to be so scary anymore. So get ready to ace your next interview and land that dream job. nPloy is on your side.