We know looking for a job may be exhausting: sending out dozens of applications only to get ghosted in the end. Lucky for you, we changed the game - let’s talk about Match requests on nPloy.

What is a Match request on nPloy

We're shaking up the job search game. Our innovative platform allows companies to apply for you. Yes, you heard that right! Completing your profile on nPloy is your ticket to the Talent Pool where recruiters can find you. If someone from HR thinks you’re a good fit based on your skills and experience, they can send you a Match request.

Think of it as a dating app, but for job searching. The recruiter makes the first move by sending a Match request. You get a notification on your phone and it’s your turn to decide if you're interested or not. If you are, then it's a match!

The next time you open the nPloy app, the job ad from that company will be at the top of your feed. Once there’s a mutual interest, the recruiter can see your name and photo, and an option for a chat between you and HR will be available. The cool part is that you can also start the conversation - by simply saying thank you, or asking if there’s any additional information you can provide. 

So, why settle for less when you can have the best job search experience on nPloy?


What is a Match request on nPloy?

A Match request is when a recruiter reaches out to you based on your skills and experience. If you’re interested, you can accept, thus also applying for the position.

How do Match requests on nPloy work?

Recruiters can find your profile in the Talent Pool and send you a Match request. Their job ad will appear at the top of your feed, and you can start a conversation if there’s mutual interest.

Can I talk to recruiters after accepting a Match request?

Yes! Once you accept a Match request, you and the recruiter can start chatting. You can introduce yourself, ask questions, or share additional information about your qualifications.

What happens after I accept a Match request on nPloy?

After you accept a Match request, the recruiter can see your name,photo, age and gender, and both parties can begin a conversation to explore the opportunity further. If you decline the request, your information remains hidden and the recruitment process stops here.

How does nPloy change the traditional job search process?

nPloy allows companies to apply for candidates by sending Match requests, ultimately flipping the traditional job search process.