Gone are the days when data analytics has been linked only to the IT sector. Knowing how to gather information and use it as a base for making informed decisions is nowadays an integral part of almost every business, and this strategy can also be applied in your personal life.

When it comes to recruitment, especially preselection, the process can get unnecessarily tedious if not done right. One of the most common pains for specialists in the field is drowning in resumes, wasting time on irrelevant CVs in order to find the right candidates for open positions.
Thanks to technology, however, this is no longer an issue to cry over - data analytics has come to the rescue. Optimising your recruitment process with data analytics can be a game-changer, transforming the daunting task of hiring into a streamlined, efficient process. 

Keep on reading and unlock key insights on how to leverage data to attract and retain top talent while eliminating the guesswork.

What is data analytics in recruitment?

Data analytics in recruitment is all about using quantitative techniques and tools to analyse various data points throughout the hiring process. A Deloitte study reveals that organisations utilising data-driven strategies for talent management see a 30% higher return on investment (ROI) in comparison to those that rely on intuition alone. 

This approach helps HR professionals make informed decisions, predict candidate success, and enhance overall hiring efficiency.

What are the most common pain points HR professionals struggle with?

Sorting through countless resumes is time-consuming and inefficient. Cold calling, for example, can take up to 8 hours a week! 😱

Biases can easily creep into the recruitment process, whether it's conscious or not. Factors such as race, gender, and age can influence recruitment decisions, even when recruiters try their best to remain objective. 

Traditional recruiting methods can be expensive and slow, with extended vacancies impacting productivity.

Poor hires can lead to higher turnover rates, costing the company both time and money.

Unfortunately, these challenges can have serious long-term implications for a company's bottom line and culture.

How do data analytics address the most common recruitment challenges?

Data analytics can automate initial screenings, helping you shortlist the most promising candidates. nPloy allows recruiters to filter candidates in our database - the Talent Pool - based on different criteria. On top of that, the smart algorithm only shows your open positions to the most suitable candidates. High five for proactive recruitment

By relying on data, decisions are based on objective criteria rather than gut feelings, reducing bias. On nPloy, recruitment specialists see a full CV with their experience, education, skills, and language proficiency. We couldn’t agree more 

Analytics can streamline workflows, reducing time-to-hire and associated costs. Using nPloy's AI has proven to save up to 30% in comparison to what companies would typically pay in commission to a recruitment agency. See how Pontica Solutions did it.

Hiring candidates that are a perfect match for the position reduces turnover rates. And speaking of such, do you know how HRS achieved a remarkable 30% increase in efficiency in identifying the right candidates for open positions? You can read all about it here.

3 easy steps to implement technology in recruitment

Begin by integrating data analytics into one aspect of your recruitment process. And pre-selection is a great place to start. Read more about leveraging AI in recruitment here.

Make sure your HR team is trained on how to interpret and use recruitment data effectively. If you need a helping hand, give us a call!

nPloy’s been using AI аnd data for years, specifically to solve problems, so we have some things to say on the matter. And we’ll be more than happy to help you and your team.

If you’re ready tо change the way you think about recruitment and completely revolutionise the process, book a demo or register for free. nPloy today. Why let traditional hiring methods hold you back when there’s a better solution?