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Finding the perfect candidates with the help of AI

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You have probably heard of Pontica Solutions - the Bulgarian BPO & ITO company has been rapidly growing since its foundation in 2015. They specialise in delivering outstanding customerexperience and innovative digital solutions to their global clients in more than 20 languages.

nPloy and Pontica Solutions’ collaboration dates back to 2020. 4 years agothe company trusted nPloy to take talent hunting to a whole new level andstarted proactively using our constantly growing candidate database(a.k.a. THE Talent Pool). nPloy’s smart algorithm, combined with thepower of employer branding, turned out to be the winning combination.

Since the beginning of our collaboration in 2020, we havesuccessfully completed numerous Recruitment Marketing and Employer branding campaigns together. Let’s take a trip downmemory lane and see how far nPloy and Pontica Solutions have come together.

The Problem

When Pontica Solutions reached out, they were expanding their team into new markets in Bulgaria and Central Europe, and acquiring new projects in diverse industries.

The main challenges were outlined:

1. Explaining to young people, who may have knowledge of a foreign language but lack previous work experience,what the BPO industry is and how they can potentially grow within the company.
2. Recruiting individuals for various projects in different locations.
3. Making the recruitment process more exciting and accessible for Gen Z.

nPloy reaches people where they are - on their mobile phones. Its intuitive features, user-friendly UX, and features such as anonymity, salary and skills matching are just a few of the reasons our users have increased by a whopping 160% compared to last year.

Initially, the company tried the so-called traditional recruitment methods and spent a significant amount of time searching for candidates on various platforms. Nevertheless, it quickly became apparent that “ the job market was missing platforms that could deliver precisely what nPloy does, specifically its AI-driven matching technology that meets our requirements flawlessly.”

Sick of hiring in the traditional ways and seeing no results?

Let us help

So, we had the problem present and we had the means to solve it.
Here’s how we did it.

The Solution

Let’s see how nPloy 's AI-powered sourcing and screening process differs from other recruitment methods, in the context of Pontica Solutions’ quest to find the best candidates.

“The difficulties in hiring directly affect our daily business activities, as our company is driven by people who possess a range of abilities, and every obstacle in recruitment translates into a substantial issue for the business. The complexity of sourcing talent for numerous projects across several regions additionally complicates the hiring process, typically requiring extra time and energy. This situation directly impacts our key business objectives, creating the potential for postponements in the schedules of our projects and our plans for growth.”, Yoanna adds.

The AI now comes into play. The built-in algorithm filters talents and shows a company’s job post to suitable candidates only.

Let AI change the way your recruit

One of nPloy’s key advantages as a job platform is proactive sourcing. Companies are granted unlimited access to a large and constantly growing number of anonymous CVs - the Talent Pool. Recruiters can filter them and find the perfect fit for every job opening. The option to invite them to apply by sending a Match request has no equivalent on the market. It only takes a few clicks and candidates receive a notification straight on their phones.

Yoanna’s words, not ours. :)

Looking for talent? We can help.

Let’s see how the magic works. The Smart AI jumps the bridge between companies and candidates. By matching the candidates’ skills and expectations with what employers offer, nPloy cuts through the static and makes it 3x easier for candidates to apply. They only see job ads that match their criteria, and the application process is a breeze - a single swipe right.

🪄 Did you know: The easy application is not the only reason why talents prefer using the app. Others include the anonymity feature and the guaranteed feedback.

Learn more about nPloy’s features

When companies dive into nPloy’s Talent Pool, they can filter the talents, sort them by their experience or expected salary, and invite candidates to apply by sending them a Match request. Candidates love it when companies show interest first, plus it’s great when it comes to Employer branding. These filters come in especially handy when looking for people with language proficiency, as in the case of Pontica Solutions.

But how to expand our reach and get to even more potential candidates? By setting up an ad campaign.

As with almost everything, communication is key when it comes to running an employer branding campaign. Our team reached out to Pontica Solutions back in the spring of 2023 to kick off the process. We started by discussing the main goals for the campaign and drafting a timeline.

We've discovered that incorporating AI into our recruitment strategies can significantly refine our hiring operations and assist us in scaling with greater efficacy. Moving forward, we intend to increasingly utilise AI to swiftly and effectively pinpoint exceptional candidates.”

When coming up with the key message for the campaign, we wanted to highlight one of the main benefits of working in Pontica Solutions - the growth opportunities.

We implemented the design of the company’s freshly updated website, combining it with an image - what better way to show the atmosphere than using a photo rather than a stock image?

We kept delving into the benefits of the company and listed them in a dedicated carousel for both Facebook and Instagram.

One of the most challenging aspects was narrowing down the target audience. What we suggested (and have successfully implemented in previous campaigns) was dividing the audience in groups based on their language.

Like what you see?

Let us set an Employer Branding campaign for you

The Results

We’ve run the campaign with 8 ad groups for both awareness for new users (for people with Customer Support job titles and languages) and remarketing (for Pontica Solutions’ profile visitors and for all).

We did not skip emailing. We’ve reached 12 145 people with a branded email sent to the language & Client and customer service audience of nPloy’s database.

The open rate of emails was 30% - higher than average open rate for similar audiences.Our collaboration has indeed hit the mark. The numbers don't lie: low cost per click (below 0,30€ ) means an engaged target audience.

In total we have reached more than 30.4 k people on Meta.

It’s easy to talk about low cost when checking the campaign results. But how does this look from Pontica Solutions’ point of view? We wanted to delve further into the matter and here’s the response we got:

“Quantifying the financial benefits derived from utilising nPloy's platform cannot be readily captured by conventional cost-per-hire calculations. Each firm assesses this expense in its unique way, which complicates straightforward comparisons. The value of our alliance with nPloy transcends cost per recruitment metrics, as it signifies an enduring cooperation that profoundly influences our employer identity, market presence, and organisational acknowledgment.

However, to provide more detailed insights that could benefit peers in HR and Recruitment, I can say that leveraging the
nPloy platform has shown to cost roughly a third of what we would typically pay in commission to a recruitment agency for a junior position. This significant decrease in expenses highlights the financial advantages of our partnership with nPloy and reinforces the distinctive and substantial long-term gains it offers to our company.”

The Future

Having a long term partnership with a company like Pontica Solutions allows us to reflect on the continuous success of our collaboration.

Another Employer branding campaign from 2021 resulted in hiring candidates with rare language skills. “Our collaboration with nPloy has led to a series of success stories and favourable outcomes. A particularly memorable achievement was during a campaign for a new gaming client, where we successfully recruited 30% of the candidates proficient in less common and distinctive languages, including Korean, Japanese, and Mandarin, all due to nPloy's adept matching system.”, Yoanna says.

With the start of the new year, we’re already looking into the new possibilities.
One thing is for sure - AI will keep on being a key player when it comes to finding the perfect candidates for a job opening.

We’re also branching out into new types of partnership, exploring the options for bringing the campaigns into the real world and collaborating for a live event. Whatever we come up with next, it will for sure be aimed at showcasing the benefits of the company, together with making it easy for candidates to apply.

“Working with nPloy has transformed our understanding of the contribution AI can make when it comes to recruitment and talent management. It has clearly shown the profound effect AI can exert on these activities, especially in saving our recruiters' time during the sourcing and pre-screening stages. The time freed up permits our team to concentrate on the critical elements of recruitment, like performing interviews and refining their competencies. Fundamentally, nPloy has revealed AI's capacity to revolutionise the efficiency and output of the recruitment process.”

After all, we all deserve a work environment that makes our Mondays brighter.

Hit us up

if you want to see your story among the successful ones.