Hey there, HR specialists! Last week we started our journey through the HR panel. We took you on a walk through the registration process, the dashboard, and the key steps when posting a job. Now it’s time to talk more about the jobs pipeline and all the ways you can easily communicate with the candidates. Let’s jump right in!

Jobs Pipeline on nPloy

You’re in a hurry? Check out the options in the top right corner - all the shortcuts are neatly put there.

This is where you get an overview of all applicants for all of your job posts. There are 4 main stages and you can easily drag and drop talents from one column to another.

New Talents - these are the people who applied for a position on their own. There’s a second column here, Assigned, where you can find the talents from the Talent Pool you have proactively invited to apply. Keep in mind that the profiles of applicants in this stage are still locked.

Matched - all the talents you think might be a good fit that also like you back. In the second column, Unmatched, you will find all applicants that you have disapproved of. 

💡 You can add private notes for each candidate in your pipeline to keep other recruiters from your team updated. 

💡 When you unmatch someone, give them a reason why. A list of preselected ones will pop-up to make it easier for you. Trust us, candidates will appreciate it and it will make you cooler😎

Interview - here are all the candidates you already have a scheduled interview with. You can chat with talents directly in the platform, schedule a video interview and have the call without using external links or apps.

Offer - you can drag and drop the cards with all the talents you have sent an offer to.

Messages with candidates on nPloy

All the chats between talents and recruiters from your team are visible here. You can filter them by a job ad or by a recruiter’s name.

Schedule interviews with candidates on nPloy

As soon as you send an invitation for a video interview in the chat, it goes directly in your calendar - cute, neat and organised.

Recruitment team

All your buddies are here. Their number depends on the subscription you are using. You can invite people to join by using their business emails. Ran out of invites? Let's discuss the options.

We bet you’re now even more curious to learn more. Don’t worry, part 2 is coming very soon. And if you want to refresh your memory about the first part, you can do it here


What is the Jobs Pipeline on nPloy?

The Jobs Pipeline is where recruiters can manage applicants for all job posts. It features four main stages—New Talents, Matched, Interview, and Offer—allowing you to easily move candidates through the hiring process by dragging and dropping.

How do I communicate with candidates through nPloy?

You can chat directly with candidates on the platform. All messages between talents and your recruitment team are visible, and you can filter chats by job ad or recruiter for better organization.

Can I schedule interviews on nPloy?

Yes! You can schedule and conduct video interviews directly within the platform. Invitations are sent in the chat, and interviews are automatically added to your calendar.

What happens when I unmatch a candidate on nPloy?

When you unmatch a candidate, you can choose a reason from a list of preselected options, which provides feedback to the candidate. This transparency is appreciated by candidates and can enhance your brand's reputation.

How do I manage my recruitment team on nPloy?

You can invite team members to join your recruitment team using their business emails. The number of members you can invite depends on your subscription plan, and if you need more invites, you can explore additional options.